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Old 10-25-2007, 01:56 PM
jakrpanda jakrpanda is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 53
Default Re: AQ Suited line check

I do something a bit different in this spot - I would raise his PF bet 3x, then on the flop I would bet out a lot of the time. By raising PF you make your c-bet on the flop more "legit" and you take initiative away from him.

You may never stack an opponent this way but the simple fact is your hand isn't huge at all. Small hands = small pots. TPTK is just that.

If he shows strength by raising the flop you can fold _or_ float and try to take it away on the turn when your cards hit (or bluff if you've got the reads etc)

so my two cents - I like to push AQs a bit more PF out of position and not get into huge pots with a marginal hand. PF raise gives you a completely different line for the hand.
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