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Old 04-14-2007, 12:39 PM
Vegetarian Vegetarian is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 303
Default Re: nl100 99 3way flop

A lot of short stacks like to cold call with 1010+ so I don't think its all that certain that your beating the buttons range especially since you have no read on him.

And if you decide to call, there are hardly any blank turn cards to shove. The sb could have 56h, 67h, 35h, A3h, A5h, 2x suited, any 2 suited overs, theres way to many hands he can have. By shoving the turn your just hoping w/e card it is missed him. The only really safe cards are a 4 8 or 9, and you can't count on these cards coming up often enough to blindly shove the turn. Also insta calls don't always mean draws. It is true that they usually mean draws/weakness, but some players do insta call w sets. So by continuing with this hand your hoping you have the unknown button beat, and your hoping that the unknown sb isn't the type to insta call sets and only has 45-55% equity vs you. And then when you do shove the turn you will be giving the sb 2.5-1 on a call, and if he has a draw a lot of turn cards might make him correct to call based on his hand.

You have committed 12.5 to this pot, both villains are unknown and you have a marginal 1 pair hand that is unlikely to be more than 50% vs the sb, move on.
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