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Old 11-13-2007, 04:45 PM
ATauO1 ATauO1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 33
Default Re: Experience Required?

Yeah- job positions require "experience" for all the good ones. I think it has to do with more and more people graduating with a degree so degree's are losing value- soon any good job is going to require a Graduate level degree...

Back to you- try and have an end "goal" of a job field...

If you like being a police officer than stay a police officer. with your experience and already having a license you should have no problems moving to another department that pays better in your state... so you have to move. If you move you have the more options available, you can specialize in a field- detective, SWAT, community relations, or management. pay is better.... Also in this track is Federal Law Enforcement. My college buddy just got in the FBI after 3 years of application process... I did his personal reference right after we graduated from college... he got a job as a part time jailer and worked on his masters degree in CJ.... so it is possible- they like accounting degree's- or any related Bureau IRS, INS, Customs..

If you want a job in the private sector utilizing your economics degree... yeah you need experience so you have to find some sort of entry level job somewhere.. or get an MBA - that will get you in the door...
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