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Old 11-24-2007, 05:34 PM
Buzz Buzz is offline
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Default Re: $10/20 L08, how\'d I do?

You put too much in when behind on the turn. Its not a huge error, but an error nonetheless. I'm surprised the other posters don't agree.

[/ QUOTE ]WMB - Seems to me that so long as Hero has three opponents putting the same amount as him in the pot, if he knows he's quartered, he's free rolling them on the turn.

In other words, on the 37 river cards that don't make his flush without pairing the board, since he's putting a quarter of the fresh money into the pot, he's getting back exactly what he's putting in. But on the 7 river cards that do make his flush without pairing the board, he's getting three extra bets with little or no risk.

(And there's some chance the flush will win even if a river heart does pair the board, or if a non-heart jack appears on the river, making it 9 or more cards with little or no risk).

Of course there is the chance he'll get sixthed, but balanced against that is the better chance that he won't even get quartered.

And so that is why I didn't mention the re-raise on the turn, even though I had already read your first response in this thread. You make a good point because it does look a lot like he's getting quartered, but maybe he won't, and maybe a heart on the river will scoop it for him. And if the re-raise knocks out an opponent with two pairs or even a low set who would make a full house if the river is a pairing heart, he saves half the pot by raising on the turn.

Or he could get counterfeited by a deuce on the river, and beaten by an opponent holding A-3-Y-Z, but if by raising on the turn, he knocks out any opponent with A-3-Y-Z, then he still wins (or ties) for low on the river. Also in that case raising on the turn may save him half the pot. (But I'll concede that he also could knock out some fool who shouldn't be playing in the first place and who will thus not contribute a couple of big bets the fool might otherwise contribute).

But whatever minor mistake it is, it only costs a fraction of a bet, or probably at most one big bet. Not re-raising, and not knocking out a opponent who would otherwise win half the pot possibly loses Hero that half of the pot, and in that case would be a major mistake.

Thus I don't think it's necessarily a mistake at all for Hero to re-raise on the turn.

(But maybe the raise on the river was a tad excessive).

Just my opinion.

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