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Old 02-07-2007, 09:47 PM
Howard Treesong Howard Treesong is offline
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Default Re: So my brain is(n\'t) weird? (names and memory)

I have this exact problem when I meet one person alone. When I meet a group of people, however, I'm the exact opposite -- I'm usually 100% remembering a group of names. I think this is because I assume when I meet one person that I should be able to simply remember their name; in contrast, when I meet a group of five people at the same time, I know need to focus on who is who -- and when I do that, I can get names to sink in easily.

There are a zillion mental tricks to use. One of my favorites is to find some slighly odd thing about a person (a loud shirt, facial expression, shoe, or whatever), exaggerate it, and then associate that with their name.
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