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Old 11-28-2007, 04:27 PM
fiskebent fiskebent is offline
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Default Re: photography buffs, help me buy a DSLR camera

Sorry to invade this thread with another question and no contribution, but:

My gf focuses on music photography (bands, typically 5-10 feet away though sometimes far distances if it's a stadium venue). What type of lens would be good for this? Package I'm looking at has 28-80mm... will this suffice?

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For a well-lit venue, you can usually get away with ISO 800-1600 and f/2.8. For 'intimate' concerts, pretty much any setup will struggle.

Canon 1D Mk II, ISO1600, 85mm, f/1.2, 1/60 sec

Your focal length will depend a lot on how close you can get. 28-80 mm sounds OK when you can get close. But the maximum aperture is much more important. Unless, of course, you can use flash. I generally avoid flash if I can.
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