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Old 10-30-2007, 02:52 PM
Lestat Lestat is offline
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Default Quick Dumb Question

We experience the world through our 5 senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste, and feel). I'm wondering if there could be more senses that we just don't know about because our bodies are not capable of experiencing them.

If we didn't have smell for instance, would we know about odor? If we didn't have taste, would we know that it's possible to savor food? Without sight, I'm sure we WOULD know that things exist beyond beyond our sight, but would we know that they are visible?

In other words, who's to say that our 5 senses are all there is to experience?

Btw- I'm not talking about things beyond our 5 sensory limitations such as, sonor, infra-red, etc. At least I don't *think* I'm talking about that. Or am I? These are still things which exist in one of these 5 mediums. I'm talking about completely different mediums. Not just ultra-violet rays beyond our visual perception, but something that would require a completely different sense altogether.

Like I said, a dumb question from a dumb layman who thinks about dumb things.
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