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Old 11-27-2007, 08:50 PM
Grease Grease is offline
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Default Re: Am i too sexy for my shirt?

At first thought, I thought it was super sexy, but if he's going to FSDR the turn, it's more meh. I'd probably just trey the turn and be done with it, because if he has an A, I doubt he's folding, and that way, the river won't get checked through if he wusses out on the river or planned on always checking.

However, if he is FSDRing then I like 3-banging more, because he'll fold a hand that probably has a few outs against you, and you gain nothing by letting him see the river, because he's never going to catch to a 2nd best hand, only a better one.

I'm ambivalent. Is that ok? Maybe it's like a 5 beer move that I might hit on after the bar's cleared out a little? In the morning, I might wake up and say "her?" but at the same time, I won't hate myself?
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