Thread: vB Testing
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Old 10-01-2007, 03:49 PM
tuq tuq is offline
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Default Re: vB Testing


I mean this in the nicest way possible...

[/ QUOTE ]

Anyway, here's some comments:

- clicking on the "last post by" link no longer takes you to the last post, it takes you to that user's profile. There are a lot of threads I don't want to show up as marked read so I just click on that last post and scroll up, sort of like dipping my toe in the pool. If the thread is not of interest to me, then I don't have to deal with it being marked read and drawing my attention all the time. I may be the only one who does this though.

- it would be nice to have emoticons and URL/image stuff in quick reply, but if that is considered too much clutter then never mind.

- the most recent thread in the test forum is StevieG posting about the ability for all users to embed Youtube videos. I think this would be a terrible idea, particularly if they auto-launch (iron had a self-launching Youtube video embedded in one of these threads that freaked me out). That and the ability to change font size/marquee etc., I hope all that stuff is disabled for regular users (hell, or everyone, but mods seem to use it sparingly and appropriately).

Hopefully that is more of what you are looking for.