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Old 07-25-2007, 11:40 AM
jafeather jafeather is offline
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Default Rumors about Downtown Indianapolis Casino

I always figured Indy would be a great city for an Indiana riverboat, probably somewhere on White River. I wasn't sure why there wasn't ever even much talk about putting one there, and assumed it had something to due with Marion County/Indy Metro ordinances.

Three or four months ago I heard someone comment on one of the local sports-radio stations (WNDE) about the possibility of Indiana riverboat casino laws being amended to allow for a casino to be put in Indianapolis' (now mostly defunct) Union Station.

Those that have been there would probably agree that the location, size and layout of Union Station would be about as close to perfect for an Indianapolis casino as you could get.

I dismissed the radio report as nothing more than rumor; probably something that might have been considered if Indianapolis had been successful in it's bid for the 2011 Super Bowl.

Since that initial report, however, I keep hearing the rumor pop up. I've now heard it mentioned (always in passing, or I catch just the end of the discussion) 3 more times on WNDE (one of those might've been X-103), and at least 10 times in random discussions with people. Those people, though, never have any more information than I do, and have pretty much just heard the same rumor.

Mostly, I still dismiss this even being discussed as possible legislation, as it would take a large and very specific rewrite of current Indiana casino law. As many times as I've heard it, though, I have to ask if any others in the area have heard similar ramblings and if there appears to be any more to it.

TL;DR Cliff Notes: I keep hearing rumors about Union Station in Indy being turned into a casino...anything to it?
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