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Old 07-12-2007, 03:56 AM
Mllndllrmn Mllndllrmn is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: WA
Posts: 98
Default Re: Why do I suck at poker?

What Keke said is true. I am good at poker because I simply cannot stand to lose, whether it is video games, pick up basketball, hearts with my grandma, it doesn't matter. If you don't have that fire, its fine, you jsut will never be a good player. You sound succesful anyways so hey its cool.

One question, if the money doesn't mean anything to you, why do you tilt so hardcore?

Here is some general advice: when I played conerback in high school, I started for freshman, jv, and varsity ove rmy career. My father is my mentor and idol, and he always told me that coners need to have one-play memories. If you made a great play, forget it, focus. If some guy burned you for a TD, forget it, and move on. Remember what he did obviously, but no the fact you gave up a TD. Apply that to poker and you will never tilt the rest of your life.
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