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Old 11-27-2007, 09:44 PM
James Boston James Boston is offline
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Default Re: An EDF Introspective: S.R.E.A.M.

I have to suspect the root cause is something deeper, something to do with an awkwardness in those "formative years" of middle school and high school, not fitting in, being teased, having dubious self confidence, and so on.

Finding that once I grew up a little I could make myself attractive to others, say the right things, fit in, well, a lot of this is probably some sort of tied-in insecurity still working itself out.

[/ QUOTE ]

Elsapo might be onto something here. I have no problem admitting I wasn't the best with girls during my younger years. I had friends who were "skilled" though. No one faults a 17 year old for his uncontrolable sex drive, they just expect him to grow out of it. Some guys, who don't discover that "skill" until college, or later, do tend to get looked down upon for playing catch-up. I'm not saying what's right or wrong, nor am I still obsessed with trying to get laid at every opportunity, but Elsapo's theory seemes to make sense to me.
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