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Old 07-06-2007, 02:01 PM
Knighthawk Knighthawk is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 71
Default Re: Which US Banks will accept checks from which Poker sites?

It is true about deposits only being prohibited, but it's easier for banks to simply ban any transactions in either direction. The banks may be "stubborn, stupid, and ignorant", but they can choose to be so if they choose.

It's kind of an unofficial "Don't ask, don't tell" policy, where details and specifics are best not mentioned. This isn't an issue worth rattling the cage over on principle, unless you are willing to cost yourself potentially lots of money, but thousands of others peoples' money as well.

When I was a bit younger, I figured it was more important to be right and let others now they were wrong. With time, I've realized it's better to choose your battles carefully, and this battle isn't worth bringing to the forefront, as publicity would be bad for all.