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Old 09-28-2007, 05:42 PM
Mempho Mempho is offline
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Default Re: Really, honestly, how can you believe that old book???

The problem if you don't believe is simply that The Bible is written in such a way that there is always an out. It might help you to notice a few well-known points:

1) Lucifer was smart
2) Lucifer thought he had it all figured out
3) Lucifer "fell" for this
4) The message is: don't think you've got it all figured out (evolution debate, anyone)
5) There is always and, I mean, always a conspiracy
6) It's not paranoia because they're really out to get you
7) The Egyptian rulers conspired against the Israelites
8) The Pharisees conspired against the Christians
9) The Romans conspired against the Christians
10) The end of time is one gigantic conspiracy:
-One world government
-War in the Middle East
-Anything that makes Christianity out to be a lie
is a just a lie waiting to be revealed

11) So, you see, from their perspective, it is all coming true (because the opposing evidence is a lie)

You come from the perspective of reason, so you desire evidence prior to buying into it. None of the other stuff is of significance to you. They come from a perspective of faith and always go from that prism.

When a Christian hears about evolution, they usually will go with one of the following choices:

1) God said it was different and I'm going to believe what God said despite any scientific evidence
2) The scientists are wrong.
3) It's an outright conspiracy against Christians and a lie
4) Evolution is possibly congruent with Creationism. After all, God has explained that he is timeless in many different ways "A day is as 1,000 years and 1,000 years is as a day"
5) I'm not sure about evolution, so I'll leave the topic alone
6) Evolution is true, Genesis 1 is allegorical
7) Evolution is true, Creationism is false, therefore I must reject the faith.

Just wanted to let you know what you're fighting. I should know. I've considered points 2-7 on the evolution debate.
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