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Old 11-20-2007, 03:14 PM
mappedout mappedout is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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Default Re: Absolute Poker and Disney

So if you know who the cheaters are, and you believe to know the time period in which you were cheated, then use your PokerTracker software to see how much you lost to those individuals during that time span. This should essentially be the same thing AP did to refund you the aforementioned 5 digit amount (oh... 7 with decimals, lol). This shouldnt be that hard to reconstruct.

For the obv reply, if you dont have a PT DB then i would definetly be requesting all HHs from Absolute and importing them into a new DB to start the detective work.

Ok so now I get it

Youre just several weeks to late to hop on the "HATE AP" banwagon and want to start your own?

[/ QUOTE ]
Kinda sounds like, IF THIS IS VALID, that he prolly had to wait a couple weeks for AP to investigate and then give him aforementioned 5 digit credit...

Last thing, why do you think you are owed more? How have you come to that conclusion, you were given an amount that AP says is correct. What evidense (i.e. PT DB) do you have that makes you think you were shorted? In other words how do you know $10,000.00 from $10,500.25?
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