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Old 11-06-2007, 02:46 PM
evanski evanski is offline
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Default Re: 25/50 HU, deep vs Terken river spot

My intial impression was that I like check, snap call better than betting. I feel like since your known range for him for lines like this thus far into the match is 100% value, its harder than usual for him to make a hero call (assuming its a sample size >1). Also, I think he would expect you to bet for value with a fairly wide range of hands here, thus increasing the possibility in his mind that when you check, you have given up on the pot (although it sucks when he shows up with something like 88). As a side note, I think its possible that he shows up with aa and less likely kk here sometimes, although its a fairly small part of his range and likely doesnt change much.

My default position here is to bet, likely shoving, though.

Edit: Ive thought about it a little more and I think the fact that you have 2 hearts makes it closer to a bet, but I still stand by my analysis.
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