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Old 11-02-2007, 04:55 PM
private joker private joker is offline
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Default Re: A tough one (for PJ even though he\'ll probably hate it)

Pre-preflop: Michael Jackson is a solid play. You could also raise Prince.

Preflop: Thin 3-bet considering your read, but whatever.

Flop: I would bet here. Not sure why you'd want to give him a free 6-out draw if you have him beat, or why you'd let him take over initiative with AJ/AQ.

The rest of the hand would play different if you bet the flop, but after he checks the flop and turn I think it's pretty obvious he doesn't have a PP. That means what -- well it means he has AJ/AQ/AK/KQ, right?

Given that, there's no value in a river bet. I might be results-oriented, but it seems like he'll fold every worse hand on the river, but he'll own you with a c/r every time he has AK/AQ.

You may say, "If he had a better ace, why did he check the river?" From his standpoint you 3-bet PF and checked two streets in a row, so you probably have nothing or a monster. A bet will only get a fold. So he checks to induce a bluff or a weird value bet from a badly played PP. He c/r for value with AQ/AK.

So you might consider checking the river to re-own him for trying to own you. But having bet it (and in the heat of the hand maybe I would too), you should call a c/r to make sure he isn't making a last-ditch effort to steal it.
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