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Old 09-25-2007, 06:22 PM
DeuceKicker DeuceKicker is offline
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Default Re: Commerce attempts 6/12 revival

The commerce 9-18 game had 6-7 games going this past weekend. That's one or two tables less than I've seen in the past, but I wouldn't say it's dying. The 6-12 had two or four games.

The reason the 6-12 game has revived is because they lumped the jackpot in with the 9 and 15 games. (The 15 game, after getting going for a couple weeks, at player requests, looks to have died again because it was the tightest freakin game in the building when it went.)

The 6 jackpot used to be joined to the 3 and 4 games, while 9 and (the nonexistent) 15 were lumped in with the NL jackpot games (100, 200, and 400?) The top limit of each tier has the tightest games, and I guess 6-12 was viewed as the top limit of the low-limit games, with 9 and 15 being mid-low-limit. Many, if not most, of these players are VERY jackpot conscious. (I've seen players leave the 20-40 game to go play 9-18 or even, in one case, 4-8, because the jackpot was larger than normal and, "It's double jackpot time.")

Since the jackpot for the low limits is much smaller, people weren't going to play 6-12 for the same jackpot as 3-6 and 4-8.

When they joined the 6 game with the 9 and 15, and broke the NL games off into their own jackpot pool, many of the 4-8 players who didn't have enough money to play the 9 game moved up to play 6-12 with its larger jackpot. The jackpot is larger and you're only competing with the 9-18 tables to hit it.
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