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Old 05-16-2007, 01:39 PM
PairTheBoard PairTheBoard is offline
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Default Re: Walk a mile in Omar\'s shoes

That's interesting stuff coberst. I think I understand what you're getting at but I'm having a little trouble empathizing with where you're going with it.

I agree that in the Art of War/Peace, empathy with your Enemy/Potential Ally is of fundamental importance. The most dangerous situation is when your understanding of the enemy is so weak that he appears crazy to you. This is why acting crazy often works as a bluff for avoiding fights. People recognize the danger in a crazy person. You have no idea what he's going to do.

It's only common sense that in the Art of War you want to study your enemy. You want to know more than just facts about him. You want to know "what makes him tick". You want to really "understand" him. Only then can you form the most intellegent strategy to deal with him. Empathy with him as a human being is part of this study.

If you are also interested in the Art of Peace, empathy is just as vital. In fact, it now becomes a two way street. You want to find ways to promote his empathy for you.

I mentioned this in another post, but it is relevant to this discussion as well. Look at how they are handling the Terrorist situation in Indonesia. First of all, they benefitted from a Terrorist who spontaneously empathized with the innocent victims of his Terrorist Network. He applied his understanding of the Koran and realized that the Killing of Innocents is forbidden and that the Terrorists are perverting the Jihad of Islam. Since this epiphany, he has been working with the Indonesian authorities to round up memebers of his Terrorist Network.

Furthermore, the Indonesians are putting all the arrested Terrorists on public trial. Their crimes against humanity are thus broadcast and publicized. This provides the opportunity for potential terrorist recruits to empathize with the general public's view of these acts. Thus drying up the wellspring of the Network at its source.

Empathy is vital in the Art of War and Peace.

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