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Old 09-15-2007, 12:41 PM
notfreemoney notfreemoney is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
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Default Re: Hire personal trainer?

I think alot of you arent realizing that over 50% of clients that personal trainers get are sedentary +45 year olds. Hi Martha, so I realize you havent ever played a sport, work a 9-5 desk job and are sedentary the rest of the night... ok let me show you how to properly perform ATG squats and max DEADLIFTS today becuase those are gonna get you buff.

People have medical problems. People are sedentary. People have never lifted before in their lives. You see personal trainers on machines because when someone first comes in and they have never lifted before, they do not have the neuro skills to perform freeweight exercises. Nor do they need to start on them. Yes, for the experienced lifter squats, deadlifts, 5x5, super Hi intensity workouts while eating a bucket of whey are the norm. But for someone who just wants to get in a little more shape and lead a more functional lifestyle- those exercises are dumb to start out on.
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