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Old 11-06-2007, 11:06 PM
Troll_Inc Troll_Inc is offline
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Default Re: Can we ban scammers?

Why not only allow one account per IP.

Then change the scammers customer title to
"Scammer, srsly" then problem solved...

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First they came for the spammers, and I said nothing.
Then they came for the scammers, and I said nothing.
Then they came for Snowball, and Nath cried.

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Let's be fair, though. I'm not saying anyone who tempbans him is going down. I'm saying you, specifically, he who trolls Snowball constantly and finds his validation through the internet forum modship he begged for, if you get itchy to abuse your meager power, I will do everything in mine to make sure you lose it.

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You rep pretty hard. <3
Anyway, I actually started this thread because you told me about such and such scammer that you flamed in MTTc, so maybe you could remind us all of that person's 2p2 handle so Mat can give them das boot.

I was formerly under the impression that scamming is not a bannable offense. The reason I thought that was because A HSNL mod actually made it a bannable offense for flaming grimstarr after his flipping fiasco. It looks like things have changed since then, so that's great.

I think we can all agree that getting scammed is worse than getting horseporn rolled.

Cliffs notes:
Nath, you bring the name
Mat, you bring the pain

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PM me $50 and I'll take care of this for you.

Nevermind Nath and Mat, I'm a man of action!
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