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Old 10-27-2007, 12:29 AM
KittyKat KittyKat is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 351
Default Re: Anti-depressants

I have been on Lexapro (or Celexa, which is similar) for 2 years. I have a strong history of depression in my family, but despite this, when I became depressed I fought going on medication.

I don't know why I did. I tried other things, I went to therapy every week, focused on getting sunlight (harder than it sounds when you don't want to leave the house ever), exercise, good diet.

After about 3 months of therapy, I started on medication. It took a few weeks to start working, but when it did, it was like having a weight taken off my back. They didn't make me giddy or silly, they just made life ok again.

I haven't had problems with side affects. They have not affected my sex drive at all, you might even say they increased it, but I think getting past the depression was a factor there.

Because of my family history and my current life situation, I have not tried to go off the medication. I think there's a good chance I will take them for the rest of my life, and I'm ok with that.
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