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Old 07-09-2007, 10:14 AM
Phil153 Phil153 is offline
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Default Re: Zeitgeist part I - \"The Greatest Story Ever Told\" (Christianity,et

Do you have independent proof of the claims about the God Horus? Specifically it's claimed that he shared many of the tales of Jesus. While it's true that Jesus shared some mythology with other Gods/legends of the time, the Horus Wikipedia page makes no mention of these with regard to Horus, and in fact the story appears to be inconsistent with the video.

BTW this led me to wikipedia page on Judaism, and I'm surprised to find

- The Torah barely mentions Jesus
- The references therein are subject to debate, and downright inconsistent (i.e. it mentions a stoning)
- In the 1500s, the evil pig of a pope issued a Fatwah (ok, a papal bull), which censored a whole heap of Jewish texts and removed references unflattering to Christianity. It makes we wonder even more about the existence of Jesus, as the historical references to Jesus are ridiculously scant and suspect, all survive as copies of copies written by Christian scholars, and the Church underwent systematic attempts to remove material damaging to the bible's account.'s_view_of_Jesus
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