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Old 09-15-2007, 04:18 AM
Ender1553 Ender1553 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 32
Default Re: Bad Beat Jackpot Question

There's definatly good EV for the Casino... if they rake $1 per pot, and it takes 100,000 hands before someone hits it, then the bad beat jackpot is $100,000 when the person hits it (saying that the entire rake goes into the jackpot). If the person hitting the jackpot recieved the entire $100k, then the EV is exactly 0 for the casio. Now, if the casino then "rake" the BBJP 10% when it's hit (like absolute does), then the player recieves 90k when they hit it and the casino 10k. Very lucrative for the casino. They get the same percentage from the jackpot no matter when someone hits it, but the higher it is, the more people come to their tables for the "lotery."
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