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Old 10-27-2007, 03:47 AM
fatshark fatshark is offline
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Posts: 102
Default Re: wierd comment, and repeated again. my move?

I think the readers of your story lose something in translation. His inflection/body language/etc. is lost so it is hard to tell what he is actually trying to achieve. I say (and this is Totally IMO)every time someone asks to post their blind after I take their stack I insta-toss the blind. Make sure and say something in the exact tone he presented the question. My personal fav is,"You obviouslly need it more than me!"
I also like to toss one at the dealer at that point and say,"Let me cover the tip also, in case you win a pot."
But, if you let those little incidents like that which happen almost every night bother you....surrender playing poker immediately. Especially at the entry level.
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