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Old 08-22-2007, 07:25 PM
jtd00123 jtd00123 is offline
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Default Re: what do christians say about chinese people


Regardless, the point of the post was that it is stupid to lump all Christians under the same boat as the extremists and attack the hypocrisy of the open-mindedness concept. Being affected by certain idividuals of a group doesn't make it logical to slanderize the entire group, especially when used to give legitamacy to my side of an issue (both sides are guilty of this, I'm not saying the original poster was, but others after him were). For example, is it logical for me to compare all Muslims to terroists? Is it logical for me to compare all atheists to Stalin? No. As you said, broad statements are meaningless. As a libertarian, I know I been have affected by the agenda of a lot more then just Christian extremists, doesn't make it logical for me to stereotype every group of people that disagree with me.

(Slightly Off topic and not directed at anyone: As a strong supporter of free speech, I am not going to say if I am for or against stereotyping. I will say that if someone is to claim they are strongly against stereotyping, then they should really do some self-evaluation, or they will look like a hypocrite.)
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