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Old 10-06-2007, 07:36 PM
happyhour456 happyhour456 is offline
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Default Re: ipoker skins and scripts?

; ========================================
; AHK Bet Pot Script for iPoker by butcha
; ----------------------------------------
; Includes mouse wheel functionality
; Supports both full view and mini view
; ----------------------------------------
; Latest version is available at:
; ========================================
; ----------------------------------------
; 1. Check the 'User Settings'-section below,
; so that all 3 options (WheelUnit,
; WhiteBetBox and ButtonsOnLeft) are ok.
; (Defaults should be working for most.)
; 2. Rename the script file so that it has the
; file extension .ahk.
; 3. Start the script.
; 4. Right click the mouse button anywhere on a
; iPoker table, where it's your turn to act,
; to set the betting box to a pot bet.
; 5. Scroll the mouse wheel up or down to change
; the betting amount.
; ----------------------------------------
; - CD Poker
; - Expekt Poker
; - Noble Poker
; - Paddy Power Poker
; - Titan Poker
; Feel free to add to this list by contacting me.
; ----------------------------------------
; The short version is that it reads the pot size
; from the text on the table and it reads the call-
; and raise sizes from the text on the Call- and
; Raise-button respectively.
; If you are interested in a more technical
; explanation go to line 520 in this script.
; ----------------------------------------
; Since the script reads the text off the screen
; it is extremely important that the table you
; want to act on has both the pot size-text and
; the Call- and Raise-buttons fully visible.
; This includes overlay statistics programs like
; PokerAce Hud and GameTime+.
; The next thing to note is that I haven't tested
; this script with every iPoker skin out there.
; It should work with all skins that writes out
; the pot size, call size and raise size with one
; color only (although possibly a different one for
; each), no anti-aliasing and with the font
; Tahoma 11 pts.
; It also works on skins that use Tahoma, 12 pts
; bold to write out the call or raise size on the
; buttons in full view, which I believe most skins
; do.
; If you have changed the appearance of your iPoker
; table by modding the graphics-files the script
; should still be in effect, but this is not 100%.
; If you still have no success the best thing you
; can do is take a screenshot of the table in a
; situation where you would expect it to work.
; Save the image in a format without compression,
; like BMP or PNG. Then upload the screenshot
; somewhere and give me the link. I will not accept
; file transfers over Msn, but you can contact me
; for help.
; One last note. If the iPoker client ever gets
; redesigned, this script will stop working.
; ----------------------------------------
; - If you move the mouse wheel very fast
; there might be strange behavior
; ----------------------------------------
; 2+2 Forums Name: butcha
; All comments are welcome.
; ----------------------------------------
; ========================================
; ====================
; ====================
#SingleInstance, Force
; ====================
; ====================
; Mouse Wheel Unit
; --------------------
; The amount your bet changes up or down
; when you scroll the wheel. This value
; can be either the words sb or bb, or a
; number, e.g. 0.50 or 10
WheelUnit = bb
; --------------------
; White Betting Box
; --------------------
; Set this value to 1 if the background of the
; box where you type in your bets is white.
; Change this to 0 if the background is NOT white.
; If you don't have a white background the script
; may send the betting amount to the chat-box if
; you act out of turn, no matter of this setting.
; (Note 1: White means the exact color 0xFFFFFF.)
; (Note 2: This setting has no effect if the area
; behind the betting box is always white.)
WhiteBetBox := 1
; --------------------
; Buttons On Left
; --------------------
; This option is only for those of you playing
; at a skin where the Action-buttons (Fold, Call,
; Raise) and the box where you type in your bets
; is more to the left than most skins.
; If you do, set this option to 1.
; The only skin I know so far that this applies
; to is BetFred Poker.
; The default is 0 (zero).
; This setting ONLY effects full view.
ButtonsOnLeft := 0
; ====================
; ====================
If (WheelUnit != "sb" AND WheelUnit != "bb")
If WheelUnit Is Not Number
MsgBox, 16, Configuration error,
Check the 'User settings'-section at the top of the script.
The variable WheelUnit must be either the words sb or bb or a number.
; --------------------
If (WhiteBetBox != 0 AND WhiteBetBox != 1)
MsgBox, 16, Configuration error,
Check the 'User settings'-section at the top of the script.
The variable WhiteBetBox must be 1 for a white betting
box background and 0 for a non-white betting box background.
; --------------------
If (ButtonsOnLeft != 0 AND ButtonsOnLeft != 1)
MsgBox, 16, Configuration error,
Check the 'User settings'-section at the top of the script.
The variable ButtonsOnLeft must be 0 for most skins and 1
ONLY for those skins that have Action buttons more to the
left, like for example BetFred Poker.
; --------------------
; ====================
; ====================
SetBatchLines, -1
SetKeyDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SetWinDelay, -1
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SendMode, Input
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
; ====================
; ====================
SysGet, Sb, 7
SysGet, Sc, 4
TableSize := 0
PotTextColor := 0x0
CallTextColor := 0x0
RaiseTextColor := 0x0
MouseX := 0
MouseY := 0
BetSize := 0
ButtonOffset := -18*ButtonsOnLeft
; ====================
; ====================
; Right Mouse Button
; --------------------
; --------------------
; Mouse Wheel Up
; --------------------
; --------------------
; Mouse Wheel Down
; --------------------
; --------------------
; ====================
; ====================
; Bet Pot
; --------------------
; Sets the betting box to a pot size bet.
Id := GetTableId()
If (NOT Id)

TableSize := GetTableSize(Id)
If (NOT TableSize)

If (WhiteBetBox AND NOT WhiteBetBoxVisible())

PotTextColor := GetPotTextColor()
PotLocationFound := GetPotLocation()
If (NOT PotLocationFound)

PotSize := GetPotSize()
If (NOT PotSize)

CallTextColor := GetCallTextColor()

CallLocationFound := GetCallLocation()
If (CallLocationFound)
CallSize := GetCallSize()
CallSize := 0

BetSize := FormatBet(PotSize + 2*CallSize)

; --------------------
; Change Bet
; --------------------
; Changes the bet by the parameter unit multiplied
; by WheelUnit, as specified at the top of the script
Id := GetTableId()
If (NOT Id)

TableSize := GetTableSize(Id)
If (NOT TableSize)

If (WhiteBetBox AND NOT WhiteBetBoxVisible())

RaiseTextColor := GetRaiseTextColor()

RaiseLocationFound := GetRaiseLocation()
If (NOT RaiseLocationFound)

RaiseSize := GetRaiseSize()
If (NOT RaiseSize)

If WheelUnit Is Number
BetSize := FormatBet(RaiseSize + unit*WheelUnit)
} Else
Blind := GetBlind(Id,WheelUnit)
BetSize := FormatBet(RaiseSize + unit*Blind)

; --------------------
; ====================
; ====================
; Get Table Id
; --------------------
; Returns the unique ID number of the window under
; the mouse if it is a iPoker table. If it is not
; the return value is zero.
MouseGetPos, ,,id
WinGet, id, ID, - ahk_id %id% ahk_class PTIODEVICE
Return id
; --------------------
; Get Table Size
; --------------------
; Returns the position and size of a iPoker table.
; The size can take on one of three values, 1 for
; a full view table, 2 for a mini view table and
; 0 if the table size could not be determined.
; The parameter is the unique ID number of a table-
; window.
global Vx,Vy,Sb,Sc
WinGetPos, Vx,Vy,Width,Height, ahk_id %id%
Vx += Sb
Vy += Sb+Sc
Width -= (2*Sb)
Height -= (2*Sb+Sc)

If Width Between 798 And 802
If Height Between 598 And 602
Return 1

If Width Between 510 And 514
If Height Between 322 And 326
Return 2

Return 0
; --------------------
; White Bet Box Visible
; --------------------
; Self-explanatory.
; Returns True if a White Betting Box is visible,
; otherwise it returns False.
global TableSize,Vx,Vy
If (TableSize = 1)
PixelSearch, ,,Vx+557,Vy+462,Vx+601,Vy+472, 0xFFFFFF, 0, RGB
If (ErrorLevel = 0)
Return True
Return False
If (TableSize = 2)
PixelSearch, ,,Vx+401,Vy+266,Vx+436,Vy+272, 0xFFFFFF, 0, RGB
If (ErrorLevel = 0)
Return True
Return False
Return False
; --------------------
; Get Pot Text Color
; --------------------
; Self-explanatory.
If (TableSize = 1)
Return % GetOddColor(Vx+359,Vy+131,40,8)
If (TableSize = 2)
Return % GetOddColor(Vx+51,Vy+28,24,12)
Return 0
; --------------------
; Get Call Text Color
; --------------------
; Self-explanatory.
If (TableSize = 1)
Return % GetOddColor(Vx+414+ButtonOffset,Vy+513,24,12)
If (TableSize = 2)
Return % GetOddColor(Vx+296,Vy+293,24,12)
Return 0
; --------------------
; Get Raise Text Color
; --------------------
; Self-explanatory.
If (TableSize = 1)
Return % GetOddColor(Vx+541+ButtonOffset,Vy+513,24,12)
If (TableSize = 2)
Return % GetOddColor(Vx+386,Vy+293,24,10)
Return 0
; --------------------
; Get Pot Size
; --------------------
; Self-explanatory.
global Px,Py,Pw,Ph,PotTextColor
If (Ph = 10)
Return % ParseSmallTextMatrix()
Return 0
; --------------------
; Get Call Size
; --------------------
; Self-explanatory.
global Cx,Cy,Cw,Ch,CallTextColor
If (Ch = 11)
Return % ParseLargeTextMatrix()
} Else If (Ch = 10)
Return % ParseSmallTextMatrix()
Return 0
; --------------------
; Get Raise Size
; --------------------
; Self-explanatory.
global Rx,Ry,Rw,Rh,RaiseTextColor
If (Rh = 11)
Return % ParseLargeTextMatrix()
} Else If (Rh = 10)
Return % ParseSmallTextMatrix()
Return 0
; --------------------
; Get Blind
; --------------------
; Returns the big or small blind.
; The type parameter can be "bb" or "sb".
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id%
If InStr(title, "/$") {
StringGetPos, s1, title, $
StringGetPos, s2, title, $,, s1+1
StringGetPos, s3, title, %A_Space%,, s2
If (s3 = -1) {
StringLen, s3, title
StringMid, sb, title, s1+2,s2-s1-2
StringMid, bb, title, s2+2,s3-s2-1
} Else {
StringLen, len, title
StringGetPos, s1, title, /
StringGetPos, s2, title, %A_Space%, R, len-s1
StringGetPos, s3, title, %A_Space%,, s1
If (s3 = -1) {
s3 := len
StringMid, sb, title, s2+2,s1-s2-1
StringMid, bb, title, s1+2,s3-s1-1
StringReplace, sb, sb, `,,
StringReplace, bb, bb, `,,

val := %type%
If val Is Not Number
Return 0

Return val
; --------------------
; Format Bet
; --------------------
; Returns 0 if the parameter is less than 0,
; otherwise it formats the input so that it has
; 2 decimals if it is a floating point.
; Integers are not altered.
If (bet < 0)
Return 0

If bet Is Float
OldFormat := A_FormatFloat
SetFormat, Float, 0.2
bet += 0.0
SetFormat, Float, %OldFormat%
Return bet
; --------------------
; Set Bet
; --------------------
; Sets the betting box at the iPoker table
; to be the specified parameter.
global TableSize,Vx,Vy,ButtonOffset
If (TableSize = 1)
MouseMove, Vx+597+ButtonOffset,Vy+472
Else If (TableSize = 2)
MouseMove, Vx+432,Vy+270

Click, Left 2
Send, %bet%
; --------------------
; Save Mouse Position
; --------------------
global MouseX,MouseY
MouseGetPos, MouseX,MouseY
; --------------------
; Restore Mouse Position
; --------------------
global MouseX,MouseY
MouseMove, MouseX,MouseY
; --------------------
; ====================
; ====================
; Here follows a more detailed explanation of how this script works. I have chosen to write
; this section mostly because I am more interested in the technical aspects of this script
; than its functionality. Also, if someone out there tries to modify this script it will
; be a lot easier if I provide comments here.
; Basically what this script does is read the color of each pixel in a specific area and
; match the result to a known color, thus extracting only wanted pixels.
; These pixels can then be matched to a known pattern to produce numbers.
; STEP 1:
; Identify the color of the text.
; This is done by the help of the GetOddColor-method. What this method does is extract
; the color in a specified area, which differs the MOST from the average color in that
; area. If the area only consist of 2 colors it will yield the one with the least amount
; of pixels.
; STEP 2:
; Locate the pot-, call- and/or raise-text on screen.
; Here we use the GetColorBounds-method. This method gives us the bounding rectangle of
; a specific color within a specific area. In other words, it gives us the smallest
; possible rectangle that contains ALL the pixels of the input-color within the input-area.
; STEP 3:
; Retrieve the pot/call/raise text
; This is done in two steps:
; Step 3.A) Read the pixel color of every pixel within the area from Step 2.
; Getting the pixel information is a piece of cake. Storing it in a way that makes sense
; is somewhat harder. What I have chosen to do is to store each pixel that corresponds to
; my text color as a 1 and each pixel that doesn't as a 0.
; I store the information in a numbered variable for each pixel column in the area.
; This variable is made to 0 before start and then I use bitwise-or to change the
; corresponding bit in the variable to a 1.
; The method GetTextMatrix is used for this step.
; Step 3.B) Transform this pixel information into numbers
; This is the step that probably makes the least sense when looking at the code, but once
; you know what bits are and how they are used it's pretty easy.
; From the last step we have all the information needed stored as arrays of 1's and 0's,
; but how? Well, the information is really not interpreted as an array of 1's and 0's,
; but instead as an integer. If you are familiar with computer arithmetic you know that!
; We can then simply figure out what value each column must take to match a certain number
; and Tada!, we have our number!
; Let's take the number 4 as an example:
; Here is how it is stored in step 3.A (assuming Tahoma 11pts):
; Column 1: 00011000
; Column 2: 00101000
; Column 3: 01001000
; Column 4: 11111111
; Column 5: 00001000
; If this makes no sense, let's turn it, flip it and change the 1's and 0's to something pretty:
; Column: 54321
; ---M-
; --MM-
; -M-M-
; M--M-
; ---M-
; ---M-
; It's a freaking four!!
; If we now go back to the columns we note that each column is a binary number. Some simple
; binary arithmetic gives us:
; 00011000 = 24,
; 00101000 = 40,
; 01001000 = 72,
; 11111111 = 255,
; 00001000 = 8
; And these are the numbers we use to match the columns in the ParseSmallText.
; The ParseLargeText-method works exactly the same, but for use with Tahoma, 12pts bold.
odd_color := 0
colors := ""
reds := 0x0
greens := 0x0
blues := 0x0
count := 0
Loop, %Width%
sx := X+A_Index-1
Loop, %Height%
sy := Y+A_Index-1
PixelGetColor, px_color, sx,sy, RGB

If (NOT InStr(colors,px_color))
px_r := SubStr(px_color, 1, 4)
px_g := "0x" . SubStr(px_color, 5, 2)
px_b := "0x" . SubStr(px_color, 7, 2)

reds += px_r
greens += px_g
blues += px_b

colors := colors . "`n" . px_color
red_avg := reds / count
green_avg := greens / count
blue_avg := blues / count

StringTrimLeft, colors, colors, 1

If (StrLen(colors) < 20)
min_px_count := 99999
Loop, Parse, colors, `n
If (A_LoopField != "")
If (c%A_LoopField% < min_px_count)
min_px_count := c%A_LoopField%
odd_color := A_LoopField
Return odd_color

max_variation := 0

Loop, Parse, colors, `n
If (A_LoopField != "")
px_r := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 4)
px_g := "0x" . SubStr(A_LoopField, 5, 2)
px_b := "0x" . SubStr(A_LoopField, 7, 2)

SetFormat, Integer, D
px_r += 0
px_g += 0
px_b += 0

red_var := Sqrt( (red_avg - px_r)**2 )
green_var := Sqrt( (green_avg - px_r)**2 )
blue_var := Sqrt( (blue_avg - px_r)**2 )

variation := (red_var + green_var + blue_var) / 3
If (variation > max_variation)
max_variation := variation
odd_color := A_LoopField
c%A_LoopField% := 0
Return odd_color
; --------------------
; Get Pot Location
; --------------------
; Returns the boundaries for the rectangle
; around the Pot size-text
global TableSize,Vx,Vy,PotTextColor,Px,Py,Pw,Ph
If (TableSize = 1)
PotFound := GetColorBounds("P",Vx+403,Vy+127,90,16,PotTextColo r)
If (NOT PotFound)
Return False

If (Ph = 11)
Else If (Ph = 10)
Else If (Ph = 9)
Else If (Ph = 8)
Ph += 2
} Else
Return False

Return True
If (TableSize = 2)
PotFound := GetColorBounds("P",Vx+45,Vy+28,58,12,PotTextColor)
If (NOT PotFound)
Return False

If (Ph = 11)
Else If (Ph = 10)
Else If (Ph = 9)
Else If (Ph = 8)
Ph += 2
} Else
Px := 0
Py := 0
Pw := 0
Ph := 0
Return False

Return True
Return False
; --------------------
; Get Call Location
; --------------------
; Returns the boundaries for the rectangle
; around the Call size-text
global TableSize,Vx,Vy,ButtonOffset,CallTextColor,Cx,Cy,C w,Ch
If (TableSize = 1)
CallFound := GetColorBounds("C",Vx+386+ButtonOffset,Vy+510,80,1 8,CallTextColor)
If (NOT CallFound)
Return False

Cw += 2

If (Ch = 13)
Ch -= 2
} Else If (Ch = 12 OR Ch = 11)
} Else If (Ch = 9 OR Ch = 8)
Ch += 2
} Else
Cx := 0
Cy := 0
Cw := 0
Ch := 0
Return False

Return True
If (TableSize = 2)
CallFound := GetColorBounds("C",Vx+270,Vy+292,77,18,CallTextCol or)
If (NOT CallFound)
Return False

Cw += 2
If (Ch = 11)
Else If (Ch = 10)
Else If (Ch = 9)
Else If (Ch = 8)
Ch += 2
} Else
Cx := 0
Cy := 0
Cw := 0
Ch := 0
Return False

Return True
Return False
; --------------------
; Get Raise Location
; --------------------
; Returns the boundaries for the rectangle
; around the Raise size-text
global TableSize,Vx,Vy,ButtonOffset,RaiseTextColor,Rx,Ry, Rw,Rh
If (TableSize = 1)
RaiseFound := GetColorBounds("R",Vx+513+ButtonOffset,Vy+510,80,1 8,RaiseTextColor)
If (NOT RaiseFound)
Return False

Rw += 2
If (Rh = 13)
Rh -= 2
} Else If (Rh = 12 OR Rh = 11)
} Else If (Rh = 9 OR Rh = 8)
Rh += 2
} Else
Rx := 0
Ry := 0
Rw := 0
Rh := 0
Return False

Return True
If (TableSize = 2)
RaiseFound := GetColorBounds("R",Vx+360,Vy+292,77,12,RaiseTextCo lor)
If (NOT RaiseFound)
Return False

Rw += 2
If (Rh = 11)
Else If (Rh = 10)
Else If (Rh = 9)
Else If (Rh = 8)
Rh += 2
} Else
Rx := 0
Ry := 0
Rw := 0
Rh := 0
Return False

Return True
Return False
; --------------------
; Get Color Bounds
; --------------------
; Calculates the smallest possible rectangle
; that encloses all the pixels within the
; provided area of the provided color.
; The result is stored in variables with the
; provided prefix.
local min_x,max_x,min_y,max_y,i
min_x := 9999
max_x := 0
min_y := 9999
max_y := 0
Loop, %Width%
i := A_Index - 1
PixelSearch, ,, X+i,Y,X+i,Y+Height-1, %Color%, 0, RGB
If (ErrorLevel = 0)
If (i < min_x)
min_x := i
If (i > max_x)
max_x := i
If (min_x >= max_x OR max_x = 9999)
%prefix%x := 0
%prefix%y := 0
%prefix%w := 0
%prefix%h := 0
Return False
%prefix%x := X + min_x
%prefix%w := max_x - min_x + 1

Loop, %Height%
i := A_Index - 1
PixelSearch, ,, %prefix%x,Y+i,%prefix%x+%prefix%w,Y+i, %Color%, 0, RGB
If (ErrorLevel = 0)
If (i < min_y)
min_y := i
If (i > max_y)
max_y := i
If (min_y >= max_y OR max_y = 9999)
%prefix%x := 0
%prefix%y := 0
%prefix%w := 0
%prefix%h := 0
Return False
%prefix%y := Y + min_y
%prefix%h := max_y - min_y + 1

Return True

; --------------------
; Get Text Matrix
; --------------------
; Returns a matrix where each element is a 1
; if the corresponding pixel in the provided
; area is the provided color. If it is not
; the element is 0.
; The result is stored in separate variables
; for each column of the matrix.
; The col-variable contains the number of
; columns and the sep-variable contains a string
; with each column number in the matrix that
; is only zeros.
; The variables begin with the provided prefix.
local col,i,j,px_color
col := 0
%prefix%_sep := 0
Loop, %Width%
%prefix%_col%col% := 0
i := A_Index - 1
Loop, %Height%
j := A_Index - 1
PixelGetColor, px_color, X+i,Y+j, RGB
If (px_color = Color)
%prefix%_col%col% := %prefix%_col%col% | 2**(Height-j-1)
If (%prefix%_col%col% = 0)
%prefix%_sep := %prefix%_sep . "`n" . col
%prefix%_col := col
; --------------------
; Parse Small Text Matrix
; --------------------
; Parses a text matrix with pixel information.
; The font is Tahoma, 11 pts.
local number,this,next,a,b,c,d,e
number := ""
StringSplit, st_sep, st_sep, `n
If (st_sep0 > 1)
Loop, %st_sep0%
If (A_Index = %st_sep0%)

this := st_sep%A_Index%
next := A_Index + 1
next := st_sep%next%
If (this = next)

If (this + 2 = next)
a := this + 1
a := st_col%a%
If (a = 6)
number := number . "."
If (this + 4 = next)
a := this + 1
a := st_col%a% >> 1
b := this + 2
b := st_col%b% >> 1
c := this + 3
c := st_col%c% >> 1
If (a = 65 AND b = 255 AND c = 1)
number := number . "1"
If (this + 6 = next)
a := this + 1
a := st_col%a% >> 1
b := this + 2
b := st_col%b% >> 1
c := this + 3
c := st_col%c% >> 1
d := this + 4
d := st_col%d% >> 1
e := this + 5
e := st_col%e% >> 1
If (a = 67 AND b = 133 AND c = 137 AND d = 145 AND e = 97)
number := number . "2"
If (a = 66 AND b = 129 AND c = 145 AND d = 145 AND e = 110)
number := number . "3"
If (a = 24 AND b = 40 AND c = 72 AND d = 255 AND e = 8)
number := number . "4"
If (a = 242 AND b = 145 AND c = 145 AND d = 145 AND e = 142)
number := number . "5"
If (a = 62 AND b = 81 AND c = 145 AND d = 145 AND e = 14)
number := number . "6"
If (a = 128 AND b = 131 AND c = 140 AND d = 176 AND e = 192)
number := number . "7"
If (a = 110 AND b = 145 AND c = 145 AND d = 145 AND e = 110)
number := number . "8"
If (a = 112 AND b = 137 AND c = 137 AND d = 138 AND e = 124)
number := number . "9"
If (a = 126 AND b = 129 AND c = 129 AND d = 129 AND e = 126)
number := number . "0"
Loop, %st_col%
st_col%A_Index% := 0
If number is Number
Return number

Return 0
; --------------------
; Parse Large Text Matrix
; --------------------
; Parses a text matrix with pixel information.
; The font is Tahoma, 12 pts bold. Although
; the digit 2 is missing 1 pixel. Don't ask me
; why.
local number,this,next,a,b,c,d,e,f,g
number := ""
StringSplit, lt_sep, lt_sep, `n
If (lt_sep0 > 1)
Loop, %lt_sep0%
If (A_Index = %lt_sep0%)

this := lt_sep%A_Index%
next := A_Index + 1
next := lt_sep%next%
If (this = next)

If (this + 3 = next)
a := this + 1
a := lt_col%a%
b := this + 2
b := lt_col%b%
If (a = 6 AND b = 6)
number := number . "."
If (this + 7 = next)
a := this + 1
a := lt_col%a% >> 1
b := this + 2
b := lt_col%b% >> 1
c := this + 3
c := lt_col%c% >> 1
d := this + 4
d := lt_col%d% >> 1
e := this + 5
e := lt_col%e% >> 1
f := this + 6
f := lt_col%f% >> 1
If (a = 129 AND b = 129 AND c = 511 AND d = 511 AND e = 1 AND f = 1)
number := number . "1"
If (this + 8 = next)
a := this + 1
a := lt_col%a% >> 1
b := this + 2
b := lt_col%b% >> 1
c := this + 3
c := lt_col%c% >> 1
d := this + 4
d := lt_col%d% >> 1
e := this + 5
e := lt_col%e% >> 1
f := this + 6
f := lt_col%f% >> 1
g := this + 7
g := lt_col%g% >> 1
If (a = 193 AND b = 259 AND c = 263 AND d = 269 AND e = 281 AND f = 497 AND g = 225)
number := number . "2"
If (a = 130 AND b = 257 AND c = 273 AND d = 273 AND e = 273 AND f = 511 AND g = 238)
number := number . "3"
If (a = 24 AND b = 40 AND c = 72 AND d = 136 AND e = 511 AND f = 511 AND g = 8)
number := number . "4"
If (a = 2 AND b = 481 AND c = 481 AND d = 289 AND e = 289 AND f = 319 AND g = 286)
number := number . "5"
If (a = 126 AND b = 255 AND c = 417 AND d = 289 AND e = 289 AND f = 319 AND g = 30)
number := number . "6"
If (a = 256 AND b = 256 AND c = 263 AND d = 287 AND e = 376 AND f = 480 AND g = 384)
number := number . "7"
If (a = 238 AND b = 511 AND c = 273 AND d = 273 AND e = 273 AND f = 511 AND g = 238)
number := number . "8"
If (a = 240 AND b = 505 AND c = 265 AND d = 265 AND e = 267 AND f = 510 AND g = 252)
number := number . "9"
If (a = 254 AND b = 511 AND c = 257 AND d = 257 AND e = 257 AND f = 511 AND g = 254)
number := number . "0"
Loop, %lt_col%
lt_col%A_Index% := 0
If number is Number
Return number

Return 0
; --------------------
; ====================
; ====================
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