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Old 09-18-2007, 05:27 AM
Fedorfan Fedorfan is offline
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Default Re: What\'s with the no kids guilt trip?

The real reason is that I'm selfish and don't want to be tied down to little people - I like the idea of being able to travel whenever I want and not really have any obligations. I think this can still be fulfilling if one spends one's time volunteering and doing charitable works - you can make the world a better place without producing someone else to do it for you.

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I disagree. IMNSHO having kids is the most selfish and egotistical thing a person can do. We don't need anymore population in this world. People who have kids think they are so perfect they have to recreate themselves....

I am that egotistical, my wife and I did it twice.

Not having children is pretty selfless, not taking up mor of the worlds resources. Adopting a kid is the most selfless thing a person can do.


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I agree, i can remember that even as young as being in junior high i felt that i never wanted kids. Now that I'm in my mid twenties, my feelings on the issue have only increased greatly.

Most people who have kids seem fairly miserable to me. Hell, my parents always said how having us kids(2 siblings) was the best thing they ever did blah blah. But I wasn't stupid as a child, they seemed miserable, tired, and worn out a lot of time, and i can't blame them. Driving us to all of our sports practices every freaking day, and games on the weekends, homework, school, the list goes on and on. They had no lives essentially because of us, and this was during the prime of their lives. I'm thankful, obviously, yet i honestly don't think they were happy with their lives and with each other again until we grew up. Yes it's sad and they would never admit it, but i think it is the truth, they are just so much happier now that we are grown, and they have time to relax and spend with each other.

I sometimes feel selfish for not wanting kids. Yet i also think that i shouldn't feel this way. I mean, it's not like biblical times anymore... we're not rebuilding society after the flood here, there are over 6 billion people on this planet, i think we'll be fine and maybe even better off if only those that truly want to have kids do.

Also, those who think they want kids, i dare you to spend a few hours at a store that caters to children, i can remember that every time I've gone to toys "r" us in the past I've left thinking to myself, "god! i really hope i never have kids."

Edit- also fluffpop has redeemed herself in this thread in my eyes, since those cruel bj comments she made recently.
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