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Old 11-28-2007, 09:41 AM
wallenborn wallenborn is offline
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Default Re: NL$200| Do I let drunkenboxer off the hook?

If you call his $85 raise, he is not getting proper implied odds to call for set value. So even if you always pay him off if he hits, and he never pays you off if he misses, you turn a long term profit by calling and getting it in post-flop. And of course, you will not always pay him off, and he will stack off pretty often with KK/QQ on a 9-high flop. So you shouldn't be concerned about getting outflopped at all.

The other issue is: if he has AK, he might call the preflop all-in, but checkfold a low flop if you only call his 4-bet. So it comes down to reads: how likely is he to stack off preflop vs. postflop, and how likely is he to have KK vs AK here?
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