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Old 10-17-2007, 08:58 PM
AAismyfriend AAismyfriend is offline
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Default Re: Observed 25/50 Hand: What\'s Your Minimum to Stack off With?

Tourist guy probably percieves any 7 to be the nuts, so I guess you have to call with 44 although I wouldn't be super happy about it.

EDIT: It would be pretty weird for him to check/call turn and then major overbet the river with 77, but it makes more sense for him to do that with just a lone 7, especially with a big kicker. Just in my experience of dealing with touristy donks.

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Given description of the SB here, he never ever ever shows up with a lone 7 here unless he has 74, and if he has 74 we can't have quad 4s. Calling with a 7 seems bad here since we're praying for a chop and there's only one hand with a lone 7 in it that villain can have here.
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