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Old 11-25-2005, 10:06 PM
NoahSD NoahSD is offline
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Default Re: Play a Hand With the Masters #3 Results and Panel Comments

Why do you think he played this "like a donkey"? [ QUOTE ]
<font color="blue">Jason: I actually thought the villain played this hand well. I trusted him enough to be able to make a big call. I'm not in love with his flop play.</font>

[/ QUOTE ]

Grandnu, I thought your line was weak/tight, lacked acknowledgement of the information received throughout the hand, and is symptomatic of a weak tourney's player approach in that weak tourney players simply don't know how to make the most of their good hands.

Also, (to everyone) divorce yourself of the notion that good players never pay you off when you have the best of it. Good players make tough calls. Yes, they also make big folds, but these are the players willing to "risk their tourney life" if they think their lousy pair is good. I remember from a recent ESPN show "The Best Hand I Ever Played" Doyle calling with Jack-high because he thought Johnny Moss was bluffing a lesser blown str8 draw. The episode also included Howard Lederer calling down Johnny Chan with 33 when Johnny fired on every street.

[/ QUOTE ]

Also, villain had an overpair on the flop, which is a really hard hand to fold on all streets but the river here. On the river, he clearly made a big call.

That said, I think villain played this pretty badly. Justin explained why better than I can.

Can you explain why you think the hand was played well, Jason?
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