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Old 08-22-2007, 10:07 PM
jtd00123 jtd00123 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 20
Default Re: what do christians say about chinese people

As I said before, using history (very selective history)to stereotype a group of people today is competely nuts. Not every Christian in the Middle ages was a blood thristy crusader, and not every Christian was this man:

He lived during the Middle Ages, he was anti-war, and against forceful convertion of Muslims. And before you think he was an exception, he had a huge following especially after his death.

Also, has anyone looked at the list of pioneers in classical liberalism, more then half the people in the list were Christian

What an evil bunch of c*nts!! (sarcasm)Of course, this is America, and many Americans that dislike group of people use selective history to paint the entire group with the same brush as if to justify their hate. How ignorant.
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