Thread: CFL vs. NCAA
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Old 11-19-2007, 01:57 AM
gehrig gehrig is offline
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Default Re: CFL vs. NCAA

not that many cfl players migrate to the nfl, right? i know there's a handful of big name skill position players, but I don't really know of any offensive linemen or anything

i would guess there's lots of 27 year olds in the CFL who didn't get much of an NFL shot when they were 22 due to some combination of not being very good at the time and talent evaluators being wrong, that are now NFL caliber players.

it's possible that the gap between NFL starters and 22 year olds that don't get a shot is so massive that no amount of getting better as you age is going to make up for it, but my intuition is that the CFL talent level is a lot higher than it should be as more or less a minor league for the NFL
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