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Old 11-24-2007, 09:01 PM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Re: The Thanksgiving Leftover Report

I met an unusual cat on Thanksgiving, and that is one of the few times that I was happy, and sad to hear about someone's dialemma (schmelling?) He is glucene intolerant. His diet consists of Milk, Sharp Cheese, and Roast Beef. Nothing else. Doctor's orders. I also have a food intolerance that doesn't let me eat most foods. Finally: I am not alone. He said he started up like me, and then it all went down hill. I usually contemplate my past on Thanksgiving, but today, I contemplate my future; at least I think with the same emotion.

I was invited to a friend's house. I wasn't to pleased to go really. I hate this holiday more than any other day of the year. I hate the holiday season. I hate giving gifts. I hate receiving gifts even more. This holiday is even worse for me when I celebrate with people that this holiday has actual meaning. I wish more than anything it was just another day.

Thankfully, he must have made different plans at the last minute because there was no answer. I walked back home and waited for 5 o'clock since I was invited to someone else's place for dinner.

I made a promise to not fire up my computer, and I stuck to it. No poker. No forums. Nothing. I promised myself a day off, and Thursday was it.

In the evening, I went to my other friend's house. He is Russian. She is Australian. They invited another friend from Israel. He asked what was going on that we were eating curry that day? What made today so special?

He got an explanation that was something about a bunch of people dying on crosses and being saved by a bunny.

I explained that there was a company that needed to make and sell EggNog, the magic dairy stuff. There was no other good reason for the holiday season. No matter how much I may be a Grinch. Give me Nog and I will always have a smile on my face.

DodgeBall came on the TV, we turned it off and watched Transformers.


I don't take days off work. I broke a record for games played: 40. Satisfied, I went to sleep.
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