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Old 06-29-2007, 08:04 PM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 41
Default Re: New Tysen Streib Book: Kill Everyone

I would agree in changing the title as the first one was about destroying the small ball tactics of the phils in tourment play.

Here you are going to be teaching small ball as opposed to the long ball of kill phil so a differnt focus should be used.

how about "save phil" or "new school poker" or how about "phil is dead, long live phil "
for me I Been looking for a small ball book for a long time,
have you looked at the small ball section of daniel negrenu dvd to see if his concept of small ball and yours match up ?.
I would be sure the theories would be the same but the application would be differnt ?.

am I safe to assume that it would be focused on cash games, and no limit hold them for the most part?.
or it would it be a section on there on how to be a phil in tourments as well?.

and finally will it have a section on there on how to defend against "kill phil" tactics!!!
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