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Old 11-09-2007, 12:52 AM
Emmitt2222 Emmitt2222 is offline
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Default Re: Great subtle moments in movies

People are really scrutinizing what subtle is, but I guess I will try.

In The Big Lebowski, over the course of the whole movie, his apartment and his car gradually get destroyed. This much is obvious. The part that I really like every night I watch it, though, is that in the first scene in the apartment, the Dude is put in a headlock and as he lunges towards the bathroom his bowling ball cracks the frame of the doorway. Every time I watch it I think in my head "and so it begins". It's great how the Coen brothers just fit in little things like that all throughout the movie.

Also, subtle things that all Achievers know about, but are still cool, are that Donny only doesn't bowl a strike right before he dies and the goons of Jackie Treehorn switch clothes between their two scenes.
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