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Old 11-30-2007, 10:14 PM
chrisbroholm chrisbroholm is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 17
Default Re: Just wondering...

If u all just hate me because of my looks and because i have more money than u then please just say so... its all i wanna know.


[/ QUOTE ]

The content of above quote seems like a perfectly valid reason to hate you. You spend your first posts on 2+2 to flame more or less the entire userbase and then go on to brag over how much money you have.

way to impress, and i actually didnt have anything against you before this, i thought you did amazingly well and i heard from people who played against you, that you were very friendly, but your posts in this thread are ridiculos and more or less ask the 2+2 users to treat you like a god (p5 style)

For the record, maybe you should invest more time in social activities than trying to uncover why anomonous people hate you on the internet.

But hey, you are more than welcome to prove my impression of you wrong.
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