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Old 11-24-2006, 04:36 PM
Huskiez Huskiez is offline
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Default Re: Purchasing a Wii - A Trip Report with a Few Surprises

Might as well write a trip report as well.

On Wednesday, my buddy and I talked about how we both wanted a Wii and were willing to camp out Friday morning to get one. He looked into it and found out the Gamestop about twenty minutes away had Wii in stock. We planned to go there at 2:30 AM.

Late yesterday, my friend talks to another person who had camped before for Black Friday, and he says it's not worth it to be at the store at 3 AM, because this is too late to beat the hardcore people and too early to beat the normal folk. Either show up at midnight or 5 AM. I had no clue about this so we decided to be there at midnight.

We leave to the store and when we arrive at 12:30AM, there is no one outside. It is pretty cold but we set up shop. About 15 minutes later, the next person comes by. People keep on driving by asking us if we are there for the Wii. By 3 AM, there are 8 people on line. Almost all of us have a PSP or DS. It's pretty hard to fall asleep on the concrete with an inadequate sleeping bag. From 3 AM to 5 AM, no one shows up... so it appears my friend's friend was right about the timing.

Anyway, by the time 5 AM rolls around, the manager's assistant comes by and says there are 8 Wii's available, which is perfect for all of us on line. She says she will bring tickets out for us. She goes inside, and I plan to get some McDonalds which just opened. My friend tells me though I should wait for my ticket, which is a good idea. Turns out we only got our tickets at 6:50 when the managers comes. Even though we keep telling the people who come there are only 8 available, the line grows to about 30. The manager later comes and he informs there are 9... how do you miscount how many systems you have? Anyway, we go in at 7 AM and I get a Wii, a remote, and Zelda. They didn't have any Nunchuks, but I figure to get one online. An interesting experience overall. I can't imagine doing that for more than a day though.

Playing the system is definitely awesome so far. It was pretty interesting that my mom wanted to play when I was playing golf... she NEVER has showed any interest in video games. My sister also played too. My mom told me I had to bring it to my cousins house so we can play with them tomorrow.

Also, congrats OP on getting a Wii.
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