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Old 11-12-2007, 08:06 PM
Kvacke Kvacke is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 135
Default Re: Bryce is \"In the Well\"

Hello Bryce!

Im going to make a full-time limit plan for 2008. This far of my career (2.5 years) I have been mostly spending my time at the tables. Under the coming year I feel like I may work more with the teoretical stuff aswell to improve. What do you think is a good % mix between playing and studying for a serious players such as myself.
Im thinking something along the lines of planning:
get a good pokercoach
using traingvideos
messeageboards such as 2p2
reading books
other ways to improve?

I looked at your video at stox were you showed some of your play from 2005. it was very nice to see what an enormous progress you have made in only two years time. Whats the most important thing u think u did under that time to acchive such a sucsess? Was it working day and night, having a special talent or finding some special stuff that allowed u to get that much better. My goal is to improve as much as possible under 2008 and are now planning in what areas I should focus the most effort in to get the best progress. Currently Im mainly playing 5/10 and some 10/20.
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