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Old 11-30-2007, 05:58 PM
EroTheMad EroTheMad is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 88
Default Re: Does AA want multiple callers of AI, or just one?

658,008 games

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 32.781% 32.77% 00.02% 215598 105.83 { AdAs }
Hand 1: 15.678% 15.02% 00.66% 98818 4343.33 { 7h6h }
Hand 2: 13.570% 13.55% 00.02% 89186 105.83 { KsQs }
Hand 3: 10.155% 10.14% 00.02% 66714 105.83 { 3c3h }
Hand 4: 15.615% 15.60% 00.02% 102640 105.83 { JcJd }
Hand 5: 12.201% 11.54% 00.66% 75942 4343.33 { 6d5d }

I definitely want 5 callers... But when someone holds other Aces i really don't want.

501,942 games

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 11.346% 01.47% 09.88% 7366 49584.79 { AdAs }
Hand 1: 11.565% 01.69% 09.88% 8463 49584.79 { AcAh }
Hand 2: 15.744% 15.73% 00.01% 78953 73.29 { KsQs }
Hand 3: 12.734% 12.72% 00.01% 63842 73.29 { 3c3h }
Hand 4: 18.126% 18.11% 00.01% 90908 73.29 { JcJd }
Hand 5: 16.256% 15.45% 00.80% 77557 4036.79 { 7h6h }
Hand 6: 14.230% 13.43% 00.80% 67390 4036.79 { 6d5d }

And for your question at final table actually i don't really care if other AA or KK calls.

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 39.785% 02.04% 37.75% 27939 517415.67 { AdAh }
Hand 1: 39.785% 02.04% 37.75% 27939 517415.67 { AcAs }
Hand 2: 20.430% 20.29% 00.14% 278116 1928.67 { KcKh }

~%77 of the time i'm not losing and this comes to the question if you're at the final table, you're holding AdKd and someone covered you moved all in with AcQs and showed his hand to you. Do you call?
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