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Old 10-05-2007, 02:00 PM
PorkPieHat PorkPieHat is offline
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Default Re: Degenerative Disc Disease

I am 6'3" and 205, not sure how much I'll be able to lose. I have been able to do some core work (crunches and such) but more would help I'm sure. My cardio fitness is terrible due to all this, however.

I was reading that sometimes they can inject glucosamine instead of cortisone, has anyone tried this? I don't care which one I have to get, as long as it works. People I know have both good and bad to say about cortisone wrt back pain. Most say it does not last too long, but at this point I'll take a week and be happy.

The chiro that I know is not a nutjob 'subluxations caused the death of Princess Diana' kind of guy. He has a sports medicine background as well (might have been a PT or something before, I forget). He wants to see the MRI as well, so if nothing else it will be one more opinion to weigh.

Right now my main goal is get the pain to stop, but then get this all 'fixed' and be back in shape by little league next year. My son will be 12 and it might be his last year, I'd really hate to miss out on yelling at him to stay down on grounders and stop throwing freakin curve balls, lol.
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