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Old 10-03-2007, 09:27 AM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 41
Default Re: Final Table Poker with Phil Gordon (DVD)

I would say that the video is informative, sometimes funny at one particular moment when a bad beat occurs, and gives you info on how to play a final table which I thought the principles could be applied to a sit and go table as well.
the only difference is that everyone starts with even 1500 or what have you.

I didnt' really notice much difference between the advanced commentary and the beginners commentary.
it is far above in my opnion most other dvds that are out there.
the only dvds that compares in style of explaining how to play would be daniel negrenus no limit dvd, and expert hold them videos.

I do not have howard video on hold them, and I did have a phil hellmuth video, but this is the dvd that put thins into perspective.

it is one thing to read about the gap concept, and another thing to see it acted out, explained and phil gordon thoughts on why it was good that he folded.

overall it is just a good video
just check out the preview video there and see if you like the style
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