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Old 09-19-2007, 04:22 PM
danny8 danny8 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 888
Default Re: Help, I had a terrible session. [25NL]

1: fold to the flop raise

2: obv standard

3: i wouldnt bother cbetting this 3way but whatever doesnt matter that much

4: fold to the 3bet pf

5: shove turns fine

6: fold to the flop raise

general: you seem too call stationy.. stop calling/raising so much when you have nothing. play a little more abc standard and stop trying to always outplay everyone. just play solid poker, value betting your good hands and folding when people tell you your beat. doesnt mean dont cbet, or never 3bet light or double barrel.. just pick your spots carefully.
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