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Old 11-17-2007, 11:12 AM
Guruman Guruman is offline
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Default Re: the pure bluff thread

this is interesting. I find bluffing to be remarkably profitable - even at the micro level. It really is all about finding the right spots though. Bad bluffers bluff without a story or bluff when the other guy has his nails dug in. I don't think I have examples of that here.

fwiw I played a 784 hand session yesterday and these were the three pure bluffs I came up with (I was actively setting pure bluff hands aside in anticipation of making this post.) Thats a pure bluff rate of .3% of the hands I was dealt, which I felt was pretty disciplined. This of course is non-inclusive of standard cont bets and semibluffs on the flop with outs. In all there were 83 hands in which i put money in and then did not get to showdown for one reason or another. These three pure bluffs account for 3.6% of that range.

I didnt mention it, but none of the people I played against last night were classical calling stations.

does anyone see anything glaringly wrong on the technical side of these hands, or am I just getting chastised for the stakes I was playing at?
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