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Old 08-13-2007, 05:18 PM
SomethingClever SomethingClever is offline
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Default Re: Running out of sites to play on...

Anything I'm forgetting?

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How to stop whinging and play poker?

There are tens of thousands of people playing quite happily.

What makes you think the sites are picking on you?

Oh, wait a second:

Poker Stars: Rigged beyond mfing belief ...

[/ QUOTE ]

It all becomes clear.

[/ QUOTE ]

Reading comprehension FTL?

I didn't say that the sites were picking on me; I just said that there don't appear to be any left that make sense for me to play on.

I know Stars is (probably) not rigged. But I had a run there that tested the limits of my belief in logic.

Also, they have a dumb policy about their $1,000 bonus. You have to be Supernova to purchase it, despite the fact that you will reach 100k FPP (or whatever it costs these days) long before you reach Supernova.

So to get the best rate on their "rakeback," you have to play almost the entire frigging year getting next to nothing in return, when, if they allowed you to purchase the larger bonuses earlier, you could move up/earn interest/spend the money that's due to you.
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