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Old 11-29-2007, 11:20 AM
Zurvan Zurvan is offline
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Default Re: VIEWER THREAD - Big Brother - NO PLAYERS

Diary Room - Final Words


All right.
I really enjoyed the game eventhough it has been extremly time consuming at times. Thanks for running and modding it.
That being said I think I got screwed a little by being the only guy that got a penalty vote especiallty since
a) Someone else did not get one later
b) I got it for not sending in something that was not relevant at all given the results
The nagotiations and agreements that I made to somehow get rid of the vote before the endgame pretty much made it close to impossible for me to win in retrospect and it completely changed my position from being layed back and in a good position to becoming rather active in nagotiations and pissing people off.

Also if anyone cares I was willing to completely go with the Nez/Sieg/Herbie/Me alliance and I really want to find out who screwed me there. Someone has to have revealed it because Mets pretty much knew it and was constantly trying to get confirmation from me. Maybe he had a soulread or thought whoever leaked the info lied. Who know, I'll have to wait till I get to read the other thread.

I also think I got shafted because the challanges whenever I was nominated were such that people who wanted the nominees to not win veto could implicitly collude against them.
Not to mention that I couldn't even talk and nagotiate y way out of getting axed. I think I could have made a good argument. Just sitting there and waiting sucked pretty hard :P

On the jury I will do everything possible to get mets eliminated. Alex, Val or Siegmund are the ones who I'd like to see win. I feel those three were the most honest and straightforeward towards me.

I also think that nich and later me were mostly compromise nominations because people lacked the balls to define lines more clearly earlier. Had I ever been HoH I'd have nominated Luckay/Mets.

So, enough whining. I feel the deck was stacked against me but I enjoyed the extra challange. Had I won, all would have been fine of course

p.s.: If it is possible for me to proxy my jury votes so that I can get to read the damn fan thread let me know. So rigged to go out as the first who can't read it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd like to point out that many of these challenges require that you have allies in the house who are going to try & save you.

See: HBE getting vetoed last time. All of his allies were trying to get him off the block, and eliminating his opponents.

The whining about "not being able to win the challenges" is really about people not building a good alliance structure. This is a game of politics, and the challenges reflect that.
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