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Old 11-24-2007, 04:12 AM
UATrewqaz UATrewqaz is offline
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Default Re: How to become a fan of college football.

There are 118 D-IA schools but of those there are only about ~60 BCS conference teams and to be honest those are the only ones the really matter.

Of those 60 probably 30-40 are actually worth a damn, so now you are talking roughly the same number of teams as in the NFL.

You basically follow your team(s) primarily, followed by the conference(s) of your team, followed by the teams in the top 10 or so and in the national title hunt.

I could write a novel about why college football is vastly superior to the NFL but I will summarize with a few bullet points.

1. Every game matters ALOT

In NFL you can lose games in the regular season and it's really no big deal. Hell you can finish freaking 8-8 or 9-7 and make the playoffs. Every game in college football is monumental. A single loss and you are usually out of the national title race. Two and you are done. Conference races often come down to tie breakers so losing a single game in conference is usually the difference.

2. The game has far more emotion

This is probable related to number #1 somewhat but the games are filled with way more emtion. You can feel the engery of the crowd and see the intensity on the players and coaches faces. People have real connections to the schools (students, alumni, friends/family alumni, regional pride, etc.) College football rivalries blow pro rivalries to hell.

3. College football is a coaches game

Of pretty much every major sport coaching matters the most in football and it matters the most in college football. By time players reach the NFL they have usually been coached up pretty well already in college and also develop big egos now they are playing for big money and only so much can be done to coach them. In college players are often raw talent with little to no coaching and thus the coaches molding and use of them is far more important. I find college football far more stategic in nature than the NFL. There is just so much talent on the field the players are what matters way more than the coaching/strategy.
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