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Old 11-09-2007, 08:33 PM
Abdullaev Abdullaev is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 98
Default 30k VPP to Supernova

Hello people,

I play 25NL on Stars for the most part, sometimes higher, sometimes lower. Platinum about half of my months, but overall I average about 7000 VPP per month. 70K VPP so far. Couple questions.

In your opinion, is it worth it to try to get in the last 30k and reach Nova? I mean, I know the facts about nova vs. platinum, but is it really that big a difference to those who have reached it? I mean, it's not like Stars is going to send me a hot mail-order Russian bride or anything. If I don't change my playing behavior till the end of the year, I should finish somewhere around 85k VPP...

If I SHOULD go for it, is shortstacking and 24-tabling 100NL the best way, or should I keep 24-tabling 25NL? Can win at both, but the variance at 100NL is naturally higher and winning at 25NL naturally much easier. I know what you're thinking--a supernova 25NLer. Freak! Still, appreciate any feedback.
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