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Old 11-28-2007, 03:08 PM
RustyBrooks RustyBrooks is offline
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Default Re: Pot Odds Calculation - Help! - Need trips or two pair

Yes he just has 2 outs to make trips but he has quite a few outs to make a better 2 pair than the OP can draw to. With AA on a flop like 792 with OP having 57, OP has 5 outs to improve to 2 pair or trips, villain has 6 outs to make better 2 pair, 2 outs for trips. If both brick 4th, villain now has 9 outs to make better 2 pair, 2 to make trips.

Spend some time and work out a tree of possibilities and the percentages of each. You'll see it's actually pretty bad for you... the tree is something like...

* OP makes 2 pair - how often does this happen, how often does it hold up
* OP makes trips - how often does this happen, how often does it hold up
* OP bricks, opponent improves (OP folds, I would hope)

* OP improves - how often does this happen (we'll always win, ignoring straight/flush)
* villain improves - we lose

Sorry, I'm kind of in a hurry, so I can't flesh this out.
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