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Old 10-31-2007, 04:39 PM
wins_pot wins_pot is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
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Default Re: What are the top pros worth?

answer-- often negative, rarely more than $3mill. a poker player worth over 1mill is considered pretty flush. it's much different than the real world... from what i gather, normal people who have a mill sweat over whether their portfolio returns 8% or 11% for the year, and are generally guarded about their spending. it's not unusual for a poker player who's running high to spend 600-1mill in cash over a year in bellagio bills and the like. in london at the wsop europe, a lot of poker players were staying in rooms that cost $800+/night.... expenses in the 15-20k range for a 2week stretch were not uncommon. --ba
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